
Anime Watchlist

Himouto! Umaru-Chan - [WATCHING]

Serial Experiments Lain - [FINISHED]

Cowboy Bebop - [FINISHED]

Lucky Star! - [FINISHED]


Hellooo! :3 My name is glass i am the webmaster of this site!


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Exuse the mess! I really need to clean up this place...
My name is glassjungle! ☆ I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web! I go by (he/him) pronouns! ≽^•⩊•^≼

Check out the other links in the navigation bar to the left! You may be able to catch my streams someday!

My button wants to explore the internet, take it with you!

Update Log

12/20/24 The winter theme is here finally! And as you can see it is Jamaalidays based!

Welcome to my website! Happy Jamaalidays!